A really bad night and how I overcame it


"Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy."
– Anne Frank


If you've read my last two posts you have probably gathered that my mental health is, for lack of a better term, shit and although in my blog posts I try and keep a light heart and I try to be humorous, sometimes I honestly just can't and I want to be real with you and with myself. I can just about function on medication (I still suffer anxiety attacks and bouts of depression that are just dulled slightly) but without medication I would crumble. To cut a very long, depressing story short I'm in the process of transitioning to a new medication that will stabilise my mood and help me sleep at night as my last medication ended up doing more damage than good and I'm having a fucking hard time with it all.
Two weeks ago I lost my father to cancer, he was 51 years old. He was ill for a very long time and in the early afternoon of Thursday 27th of July he passed away. I won't talk about this much because it's a whole other story that I'm nowhere near ready to even think about delving into, if ever, but with that and the sudden change in medication I'm getting really bad side effects and the cruelest and most violent nightmares that I wake up from feeling completely sick to my stomach and feeling scared of going to sleep at night.
Sometimes I don't take my night medication until the early hours of the morning in fear that if I sleep too long I'll be haunted by more of these horrific things. I won't go into what the nightmares entail because I feel like they are too dark for this corner of the internet and if I'm honest reliving them would be unbearable. That's just a fraction of how I'm feeling and what my mind is going through as of late so here are a couple of things I try and do to improve my mood if I feel up to them.

  • A cup of tea, healthy breakfast and a lie inIf these bad nights occur on the weekends I make sure I give myself a lie in, stay in my pajamas and make a decent breakfast or brunch depending on what time I decide to emerge from my bed. I don't eat meat so I don't have the typical bacon sandwich although if that makes you feel better then you do you! I usually have porridge and some fruit or I make 'healthy pancakes' with maple syrup and I always have a cup of tea (death before decaf) and I'll either read whatever book I'm currently into or a watch an interesting documentary whilst checking my social media accounts. I find that doing this brings me back in touch with reality and keeps my mind occupied so I don't start falling down the dark whole of analysing my mind and getting in a paranoid, anxious state which then leads to panic attacks or can on a really bad day lead to self-harm.Healthy banana pancakes recipeIngredients:1 whole banana230g oats120ml milk (substitute this for almond or soy milk for vegan pancakes!)1 tbsp peanut butter (optional)Strawberries and maple syrup (or your own topping of choice)Method:Put all your ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth, pour small amounts into a pan with some cooking spray or oil and fry until brown. I like to cover my pancakes in fresh strawberries and maple syrup but you could add whatever you fancy! Enjoy.20507319_1509049999137944_5038477988303786975_o
  • If you have the option, cuddle and play with your petsStudies show that playing with your animals can reduce your stress levels and anxiety and who doesn't want to spend time with animals? Animals are so pure, innocent and so damn cute that I feel a lot (not all) of my worries melt away when I'm cuddling them, playing with them or feeding them. I have two rabbits, Clementine and Pearl and a cat, Parsley, and sometimes on my worst days when I just haven't managed to get out of bed and I'm in a massive state, my cat will come and lie down and put his head on me and (call me a crazy, single animal lady – I am) it really feels like he understands how I'm feeling or wants to help. There's something so therapeutic about these silent creatures. Spending time with fur babies will definitely improve your mood and if you don't like animals then what the fuck are you doing on my blog?



Let me know if you tried the healthy pancakes recipe and also what you do after a bad night to improve your mood!


Thanks for reading,



17 thoughts on “A really bad night and how I overcame it”

  1. I think I may have to try the pancake recipe! I’m always scared to try new recipes because I’m quite terrible at making pancakes so they always end up shocking haha! But these look alright so I’ll give them a go super soon! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sophie,
      These ones are so much more forgiving than regular pancakes, so much easier and guilt free! I urge you to give them a go definitely.
      Thank you for the comment x


  2. Hun I totally get where you are right now when I had to change tablets it was a horrific time I felt like ending it all and I went through a period of nightmares and they would haunt me all day but they do pass I promise you that try and take your night medication around the same time every night get into a good sleep routine and try and get up around the same time if you can I found that really helped x eating good food is fab so keep going x I’m reading your posts and thinking yup I know how that feels. I love you loads I’m here for you in person and on here xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s honestly so hard sometimes as you know but such a lift and comfort to talk to people who actually get how you feel.
      Thank you for the advice and the lovely comment Helen! I’m so glad you can relate to me and likewise. Nothing but love always x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I feel the same about having people who understand I go through various stages of anxiety and depression which always trigger my food fears I am more than happy to share ideas because anything is worth a try when you feel so shitty xx

        Liked by 1 person

    1. They’re so good, definitely worth a try!
      Aww you’re so right, they never said the wrong things either. They’re just cute and cuddly when you need it the most!
      Thank you for the lovely comment x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Earlier today I felt so little motivation and just wanted to cry. I had a phone call from Jason my partner. He didn’t know how I was feeling but was just telling me what he was up to and being his jovial self. After that phone call I felt motivated to do some sorting out and we are planning to go out when he comes home. Having someone that can pick you up and make you smile and feel good about yourself. I am so sorry about your dad. I knew him from REACH days but kept in touch on social media. He was a good man. I wish you well with your mental health. Xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Claire,
      I’m sorry you had a rough day but I’m so glad you have someone like that! They’re rare nowadays I think and you should hang onto them as much as you can.
      Thank you, that means a lot to me, I know he definitely was and I suppose that’s what makes his death even worse but I’m lucky I had such a man in my life even if it was for such a short time.
      I’ll be okay, thank you so much for the lovely comment.


  4. Writing is definitely your thing and I hope it helps you tons. Nightmares I can totally identify with. I don’t have them as bad as I used to but they used to leave me almost unable to function at all at times. On a good day I would try to think of something really nice to do like a trip to the seaside! Will be thinking of you especially at night times until this is sorted. I could so feel the scary stuff with you. Really have to try the pancakes. They sound great and we’re often looking for new breakfasts. Keep blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Miriam, I find that writing helps me so much and as I’m not a talker it’s a way of expressing how I feel and I love that people can relate to that. I haven’t been to the seaside for years and would love to go soon, sometimes I just don’t have the strength to do anything and I get so frustrated over it. Definitely try the pancakes! They’re delish.
      Thank you for the lovely comment.


  5. Hi Maddie, I love your style of writing: straight from the heart and no bullshit (sugar-coatings!) I’m a big advocate of the use of essential oils to calm the mind: I find rose, lavender, ylang-ylang and frankincense very good and mindful meditations/relaxation music also very therapeutic ~ there are some beautiful ones for sleep on You Tube which may be worth a try. If you have tried all of these: apologies and I will revisit the old drawing board to see what other methods may assist. I am the hippy Queen of crystals….There is one for everything! I kid you not! I have them everywhere!!!!! My husband, Jonathan, was great friends with your Dad: I loved to read his blog: you have the same quirky sense of humour and not afraid to use the word ‘fuck’ when deemed necessary! Keep at it! Being a mother of five cats, I ‘get’ the healing qualities of the fur babies ~ I have my own demons and they are a great source of comfort when I can’t access my meditation as the monkey mind just won’t shut the fuck up! Chocolate and red wine and a marathon on Netflix tends to resolve the situation! Cacao is meant to be amazing and I have started with magnesium supplements, amongst others~ need to check with your GP that they don’t interfere with your meds. Keep writing ~ you’re fab at it! xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Maria! I’ve just started trying meditation as one of my doctors recommended mindfulness and I was gifted something called ‘Bach rescue remedy’ from one of my Dad’s old friends when he passed. It’s in a little bottle with a dropper and it contains flower extracts! I haven’t tried it enough to see if it works or not but I have an open mind and am not in any position to turn anything down! I used to obsess over crystals as a child and I still have some now somewhere, they’re beautiful.
      Ah yes, one of my favourite things about my dad was his love of using a good old swear word. I definitely inherited that if anything! I’ll keep at it always because it really feels like it helps me and I love it when people say they can relate to me. Animals are definitely the key to ultimate happiness as are good old Netflix marathons (which I am currently doing with ‘Bates Motel’) and stuffing your face with junk.
      Another person suggested Cacao and magnesium so I’ll be looking into that!
      Thank you so much for the lovely comment, I’ll most certainly keep writing.


  6. Maddie, I hate finding out how you suffer but equally your journey makes compelling reading too. Please don’t explain your reasons for writing or feelings. I said the same to you Dad.
    We are not just hear to read about the glitter, we want the grit too.
    My anxiety /depression often starts in the morning , regardless of a good or bad night.
    It’s worse on a day off with no plans as I have a real need to have a long lazy morning and social media /message friends , yet I also need a tidy house and all chores done . By fullfilling those 2 needs I see the day getting full before I get to do what I want to do with my ‘me time’ . I start getting really anxious and panicky that by the time I’m ready to do my thing , be it gardening, crafting, cooking or seeing people I think it’s too late or I’m too tired .
    It’s a vicious circle as I then feel depressed and resentful that my precious day off has been wasted on chores !
    I don’t have great strategies in place but I do find getting up , dressed and make up done before I have my Facebook fix is a fairly successful one . In fact it normally means I go straight to jobs etc before my cuppa tea and Internet time .
    I also try to avoid making early plans with anyone as it’s more realistic for me to make plans later in the day so I don’t bail out .
    I will look at your strategies too and will have a go at the pancakes.
    Just as soon as I finish checking my notifications ! 😆🙄


  7. Your blog is sooooo real! I thought i was the only one who was awake half the night!! I lay awake at night catastrophising (like now!) Frightened of losing loved ones and my beloved dogs. For years I was on a massive dose of amitriptyline which initially would keep me pleasently coasting through the day and then when I needed to be totally unreachable I would take more and they would knock me out to get me through the night. They helped me cope with the crap relationship I was in for many years because I was pleasantly stoned most of the time!!!!! (Prescription drugs only!)
    I am now very happily married but still have dreadful night panics. Keep writing lovely girl, in the darkest hour there is always someone else awake, reading your amazing blog and eating pancakes!!


  8. Aw thank you so much. Hell no you’re not as I’m writing this reply at 3am on a Monday morning!
    One of the things I’ve loved the most about writing this blog is the ability to have others relate to you and to hear other people’s stories. I’m sorry, it’s crazy what a human being can go through and can still make it out on the other side, we are so resilient.
    Medication is bitter sweet as it can have an almost robotic effect on me which I don’t like but sometimes it’s better than the other which is severe depression and crippling anxiety that comes with constant pains! It’s all a balance I guess.
    I’m so glad that you’re happy now but what a shit night panics are! You’re definitely not alone though.
    Thank you so much for the lovely comment! Keep eating pancakes.


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